Practical Perspectives on Educational Theory and Game Development

Today, video games are a popular way of entertainment. People play computer games to have fun or earn money. Video games need great concentration and skills. The person who plays a game needs to act fast in difficult situations. They should control a lot of areas at the same time and also act. This develops their mind and reaction. In some of the games, you should also solve puzzles to reach the end. Games of this kind develop logical thinking.

In recent years, scientists have thought about the positive impact of computer games on the mind. Teachers and educators start thinking about applying video games in education. Students can learn more about the subject using video games. It can be useful in physics, biology, and chemistry. For example, a game can be created where you see physical processes. The student should control the processes and make experiments to win.

This method of education is beneficial because it is helpful and interesting. Students will do their homework and won’t miss the lessons. They will get their knowledge and skills in practice. It is more helpful for students who have problems with learning the subject. They will see in practice how the processes work. So, then it would be easier for them to solve the problems. So, we can create new video games for educational purposes.

Marzullo, Perez, and others conducted research on the topic. They have written the book ‘Practical Perspective on Educational Theory and Game Development.’ It is an academic scholarly book that presents the topic of video games in education. The book presents examples of educational cases where the games can be used. It shows the exact situations of working with students. The book can be used as a scholarly source in writing services like CustomWritings.

The authors have conducted practical research among students. They present their results and make conclusions. Where can we use video games in education? First, students and school children can play games to learn geography. There are exciting video games showing different places in the world. Students should understand the maps to get to their destination. It can be difficult to find the necessary place at once.

What is more, video games can teach politics and finance. For example, in some games, you will need to trade like in real life. There are some cities with their own political conditions. You can look through the map and analyze it to find the best place for the trade. Then you choose the goods you will sell or buy. The government of the game country has an impact on your trade. Students will learn economic processes and their impact on life. They can live their experience in many places before they go there in real life.

Video games can also be used to teach astronomy. There are games where the person should land on a new planet in space. On the planet, there are new life conditions. The student should find air, water, and soil to live there. When playing such games, students learn how nature works in real life. They understand the laws of space and learn about other planets.

‘Practical Perspective on Educational Theory and Game Development’ researches such games. In the book, you will see the strategies for creating educational video games. They reflect the learning theory and methods that depend on games. Video games are designed by scientists and educators. They can be used on educational websites and in computer classes. The book also presents other factors that impact such education. They include business and economy, game industry, and educational issues.

The book is a great opportunity for teachers to find innovative learning methods. It will also be useful for scientists, methodologists, and game developers. When reading the book, you will understand how to apply video games to your lessons. Video game developers will see new perspectives for the design of future games.

The Topics Covered in ‘Practical Perspective on Educational Theory and Game Development’

The book covers a lot of academic and educational topics. So, a wide range of experts will find it useful for their activity. Let’s look at the main areas you can see in the publication.

  1. Pedagogy

It is important to choose the proper games for your lessons. Video games should develop the students’ knowledge and skills in the subject. They shouldn’t be too difficult. But at the same time, they should be educational. The topic of the games needs to be relevant to the subject and topic of the lesson. In other cases, you will not reach your education aim.

  1. Cognitive development

The book gives an insight into cognitive science. It describes the processes in the brain that go when a person plays a video game. You will see the impact of the games on the human brain. The book will let you understand how to improve the brain using this method.

  1. Game industry

The book also talks about the game industry. It lets you understand what games are more popular among young people. This is also an opportunity to see what games are more profitable for companies. If the games are not profitable, no one will design them. So, you should make sure that your education needs correspond to the market.

  1. Learning theories

The book represents the most popular learning theories. You can see how they are related to the gaming industry. You will understand which learning theories are best used with video games.

So, the book will be useful for a wide range of people in education and gaming.

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