Unity launched an educational program for game developers

Unity is launching a new initiative that aims to educate 80 thousand game developers in the next three years on the video game engine of the same name. It will be financed from the funds the company raised during its recent IPO.

The program includes two courses. Unity Essentials covers the main concepts and stages of Unity development and lasts a week or two. By the end of the course students will have created their first game.

The second, Junior Programmer, will take 3-4 months and give students the technical and “agile” skills they need to find a job as a junior developer. Also the course will provide preparation for the Unity Certified Associate: Programmer exam – students who pass it get a branded certificate, which you can add to your profile on LinkedIn.

Unity calls itself the leader in interactive 3D content development. Its cross-platform environment is also widely used in AR and VR development. Unity has strong competitors in the gamemaking space, such as Unreal Engine, which added a slew of updates two years ago that made it easier to create augmented reality apps for Apple and Google platforms.

VentureBeat estimates that there are more than 1.5 million Unity developers in the world, and it estimates that there are more than 115,000 jobs per year that require experience with Unity.